Wednesday, April 26, 2023

English vs American Golden Retriever

English Cream Golden Retriever - A Charcoal Drawing is a photograph by Robert Kinser which was uploaded on January 28th, 2020.
English and American Golden Retrievers are the same breed--just held to different standards. Americans are held to the standard set forth by the AKC, the English adhere to the UKC. A "standard" is a guideline for the way a particular breed should look.
The most obvious difference between these two standards is the color. English Retrievers can vary from medium to light gold, while American Retrievers' colors range from medium to dark gold. One color is not more "rare" than the other, which is a common misconception. While it is true that the English standard is not as common in America, Retrievers should not be bred for color, but for health and temperament.

One difference between the two standards is their health. On average, the cancer rates for English Golden Retrievers are 38.8%, while the cancer rates for Americans are 60%. English Retrievers also tend to live longer, usually about 12 years, as opposed to 10-11 years for American Retrievers.

The main distinction between these two standards are their physical appearance. Both have the same lovable personality traits of the Golden Retriever breed: happy, friendly, obedient and adorable!